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August 20, 2008


John Hathaway

>>these “bugs” into features
That you have! I think you've learned to be much more aware of your attention than most of us, therefore, more able to actively focus it when you want to.
Probably half the 1-on-1 conversations I've had with you have been in the hallway of a busy conference. While my attention may be darting about at passers-by, I always feel like I'm the only one in your world at that moment.


Wow thanks! That's about the highest praise I can every hope for John and I do make a concious effort to do just that and make anyone I'm talking feel that they are the center of my attention. Not easy when there are so may other inputs trying to demand my attention and hence my delight with your comment that I succeed some of the time! Again, much appreciated John and hope you will enjoy some of the other postings on both attention and the use of human senses.


designer handbag imitation

Oh God you are a genius person and a good photographer i like your pics thanks.

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