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August 28, 2008



Great article! I share much of the same passion for the possibilities of this type of technology. To me, innovations like this are a wonderful sign that our species is beginning to think abstractly to solve problems, rather than the historic liner method of continually improving upon the last Greatest Thing.

The Pulse smartpen harmoniously utilizes not only the greatest features of present technologies, but those of the past. This synergy is what attracted me into a job as a Campus Rep for Livescribe; I want to be on the groundfloor of this companies products.

If you don't have a Pulse yet, you can get one from livescribe.com with the coupon code SCRIBE5A18 to recieve a 5% discount. I know its not much, but hey, every little bit counts in today's economy. :-)


Glad you enjoyed the article and the pen. More so appreciated your observation of the deeper changes and opportunities this represents for more abstract thinking and problem solving.

Thanks for reading and contributing to OCOT.


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