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January 22, 2009


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Aloha Wayne - I sent your Pago Pago story to my friends who live on American Samoa, but up in the hills. I thought you would be interested in their response. **"Wow, what a story and it's so detailed Jeff and I could picture everything happening as we were reading it. I learned last week that Joan, the woman who lost her husband while he was trying to untie their boat from the concrete dock, discovered that she has a cousin living here. It's Evelyn Lilio (formerly Weilenman) who is her cousin and they had a chance to meet after the tsunami. Thanks for posting the link, Dee."** I am on Facebook if you want to reach me {Dee Wescott} Happy Travels!

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Dee, I somehow missed your comment here when you first posted it and just noticed it now. Glad you also enjoyed the Pago Pago story and thanks for letting me know about the response you got and Joan's additional links to that special place. Much appreciated.


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