Both the original list of "5 Social Media Secrets for 2010" from Slideshare and the "connected" list from Dana Oshiro at Read Write Web are well done and well worth your time to read and reflect upon.
Social Media Secrets and Resources Revealed
Written by Dana Oshiro / January 12, 2010 4:30 PM
Presentation company Slideshare recently released its list of "5 Social Media Secrets for 2010". While these secrets certainly sound like great suggestions, we thought we'd connect them to some concrete tactics and resources that you can use to improve your social media strategy.
Thanks! This is a nice one, I've been looking around for information like this. Social media is just like bread and butter on the web. lol.
Posted by: corefoundation.dll | September 12, 2010 at 03:44 PM